

작성자 Jay(ip:)

작성일 2014-01-23 18:44:18

조회 2688

평점 2점  

추천 추천하기


히에롸님~~ 혹시 grey color로도 나오나용?@.@

저 이걸 구매해야할지 ㅎㅎ 그레이 길게 나온걸로 구매를 할지 음청 고민중인데

이 디쟌으로 그레이칼라 혹시 나올까싶어 여쭤봐용~~



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  • 작성자 RandalGar

    작성일 2014-04-28 22:08:15

    평점 3점  

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  • 작성자 ay35p6b3dk

    작성일 2014-04-29 04:20:32

    평점 3점  

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  • 작성자 n2d64i6pvb

    작성일 2014-04-30 06:47:06

    평점 3점  

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  • 작성자 a8d65s8ktc

    작성일 2014-04-30 09:44:27

    평점 3점  

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  • 작성자 MichaelEt

    작성일 2014-04-30 14:32:26

    평점 3점  

    스팸글 length of Ralph school in order to work , and then he\'s got had the ability to very decent clothes , very first not an expensive clothes look very fashionable . ?? Lauren in Manhattan design school design, since the two glove companies clerk . [url=http://www.klarosblog.de/wp-de.php]http://www.klarosblog.de/wp-de.php[/url]

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  • 작성자 DennisnemE

    작성일 2014-04-30 16:11:24

    평점 3점  

    스팸글 Ralph Lauren is the outline to the American dream: the long grass, antique crystal , the name Marble horse . His product , stylish clothing or furniture , selecting perfume or containers, have focused on the upper class customers longing for natural disaster ? life . Or as Ralph Lauren himself said : \" The objective of my design can be to[url=http://www.tyseruk.co.uk/]Ralph lauren Mens Pony Polo [/url]
    attain the fantasy of people\'s minds - the superior imaginable reality .\" Ralph Lauren itself is an excellent example of essentially the actual realization for the American dream : he construction on the $ 3 billion business center, a own fashion empire.[url=http://www.mkpitstop.co.uk/]ralph[/url]
    1939 Ralph Lauren came into this world in some Polish immigrant household is not romantic , his original name is called : \"Ralph Lifschitz\". Young, Ralph Lauren and zip the fashion ambition , he was just an article of involvement with[url=http://www.esmi.eu/]nouveau polo ralph lauren pas cher[/url]
    clothes . It had been , additional boys are dressed like Marlon Brando, wore jeans in addition to motorcycle shirt, only he dressed gentle, getting a fellow student. Eleven or twelve years, he attracted people by reason of garment elegant and get . His early education originate from the fashion film and Esquire magazines . His idol was the Duke of Windsor and Katherine Hepburn.[url=http://www.inekon.eu/]cher[/url]
    Ralph Lauren 16 associated with age, his brother Jerry ( incumbent Polo men\'s boss ) , suggested that their brothers would often kid Lifschitz rid surname . Marriage brains of an search, they finally found the rhythm very harmonious \"Lauren\". After the realization graduation , Ralph Lauren by the City University of contemporary York to the business class, but lost the fight .[url=http://www.umarellsblog.it/]umarellsblog lauren[/url]
  • 작성자 o1a84s3pwa

    작성일 2014-05-01 04:51:48

    평점 3점  

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  • 작성자 aj23z5o3jr

    작성일 2014-05-01 08:19:11

    평점 3점  

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  • 작성자 DennisnemE

    작성일 2014-05-01 08:45:16

    평점 3점  

    스팸글 Ralph Lauren rrs definitely an outline on this American dream: the long grass, antique crystal , the name Marble horse . His product , regardless of whether it\'s clothing or furniture , whether it be perfume or containers, have focused on the top of the class customers craving for an awesome life . Or as Ralph Lauren himself said : \" The intention of my design usually[url=http://www.tyseruk.co.uk/]Ralph Lauren Polo Kids[/url]
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